Textiles and scabies

This is ongoing research, in collaboration with the Brighton and Sussex Medical School. The first stage culminated in an exhibition at the Eastbridge Hospital in Canterbury in October 2016. This YouTube video shows a little about the project, and the textiles I developed for the exhibition.


Today we met with a local primary school to plan textile -based workshops to raise awareness about scabies. I am so excited by the project, and we have set dates for the next few months to take these workshops through to the summer.

This is a brief video I made very quickly that gives a little taste of what the project will involve. There is a moment in it when it gives me vertigo, and that’s because I filmed the video looking down, and then rotated it so the floor became the wall! Don’t forget this is just a a taste!


How much stuffing?

I may have overestimated how much stuffing will be need for 53 or so Scabies mite toys. 5kg?

Workshop 1 – 28th March 2018

We had a great afternoon at Coldean Primary School with year 5 pupils and their lovely teachers Sophie and Emma.


So that there will be enough time for the children to decorate their mites, we are making the basic shapes up in advance. Today I cut out 28 and will see and stuff them shortly.

Its a useful way to use up some of my material stash. Makes room for the next few metres!

I’ve made patterns for four sizes: larva, nymph and male and female adults.

Follow this project and learn more about what we do via this link at https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/textilesandscabies/welcome